
The CFO Alliance is a subscription-based network for finance leaders to connect with peers and gain knowledge, tools, and methods to lead positive change. Members enjoy a collaborative learning environment with insights, benchmarking data, and best practices. We achieve this through on-demand threads, studies, roundtables, and personalized consultation. Our pragmatic approach tackles real-time issues and our futurist vision prepares members for what's trending.

The CFO Alliance is the largest professional peer-group community solely dedicated to advancing emerging and mid-market finance executives' business and personal development objectives. Now in our 12th year, with over 500 peer-group roundtables on the burning issues conducted and thousands of interactions among 9,000 Members representing virtually all industries, we uniquely understand the challenges and needs of the finance function. This sheer scope and hands-on nature of our member engagements drive a perpetual cycle of new value creation for our Members.

The CFO Alliance Community Value Statement

Exclusive Network: The CFO Alliance is a subscription-based network designed for accounting and finance leaders to connect with peers and gain essential knowledge, tools, and methods to lead positive change and advance their careers.

Collaborative Learning Environment: Members enjoy a collaborative learning environment enriched with insights, benchmarking data, and best practices.

Pragmatic and Futurist Approach: Our pragmatic approach addresses real-time issues, while our futurist vision prepares members for emerging trends.

CFO-Centric Resources: To support our members, we offer on-demand threads, studies, roundtables, and personalized consultations.


Professional Peer-Group Community: The CFO Alliance is the largest community dedicated solely to advancing accounting and finance leaders' business and personal development objectives.

Extensive Experience: With 14 years of experience, over 500 peer-group roundtables on critical issues, and thousands of interactions among 9,000 members, we understand the unique challenges and needs of the finance function.

Value Creation: Our extensive and hands-on engagements drive a continuous cycle of new value creation for our members.

Focused Support: We provide insights, methods, and tools for CFOs to lead positive change and growth.

Dynamic Learning Environment: Members benefit from forward-thinking insights, benchmarking data, problem-solving approaches, and best practices through market studies, interactive roundtables, and access to subject matter experts (SMEs) for personalized consultation.

Measurable Outcomes: Our community is founded on ensuring measurable outcomes, helping members address real-time issues and improving forward visibility for future trends.



Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of finance professionals, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships across industries.

Knowledge Sharing: Access curated content, expert insights, and best practices to stay ahead of industry trends and challenges.

Professional Development: Enhance your skills and broaden your perspective through workshops, seminars, and roundtable discussions led by industry experts.

Strategic Partnerships: We make connections that count and have done a lot of the leg work when it comes to evaluating solution providers. Collaborate with leading service providers and solution partners to address specific business needs and unlock new growth opportunities.



Quarterly Roundtables: Engage in in-depth discussions on pressing financial topics and exchange best practices.

Special Interest Groups: Participate in focused groups tailored to your specific interests and challenges.

Mentorship Opportunities: Learn from experienced CFOs and share your own expertise.

Resource Library: Access a wealth of knowledge, including whitepapers, case studies, and toolkits.



Community Cultivation: To create a vibrant community where CFOs and other accounting and finance leaders thrive both personally and professionally.

Meaningful Connections: Facilitate meaningful connections among members and select partners.

Learning Opportunities: Provide ample learning opportunities through various engagements.

Strategic Insights: Offer strategic insights that enable our members to excel in their roles and make a lasting impact on their organizations.

Member Benefits Here




The CFO Alliance attentively listens and delivers measurable benefits guided by a 4-point value creation platform:

  • LEAD: We see CFOs as leaders and force multipliers. Beyond providing the tools and informational resources that help them affect positive transformation of the finance function, we help CFOs model the thinking and behaviors needed to inspire others cross-functionally and emerge as trusted, fact-based leaders of growth missions. We help Members gain broader understanding of market dynamics and increase cross-functional knowledge enabling them to lead organizational alignment on the imperatives, process improvements across the value chain, and tight integration of market strategies and tactics enabling more aggressive market capture.CFO Value Plank
  • LEARN: We believe that learning is the greatest force for change. To enhance Members’ perspectives and the core skills needed to outperform business objectives we augment the priceless value derived from of “wisdom of the crowd” peer collaboration with hyper-relevant content needed to execute the role effectively. We introduce and process today’s barriers and countermeasures and simultaneously track leading indicators of change to provide the forward visibility needed to get in front of what lies ahead.
  • CHANGE: This “taking action” phase of the platform converts learnings into transformational performance improvement of the finance function. “Getting finance right” is Job 1, but it’s also the gateway for freeing up time for CFOs to make more strategic contributions. Our programs embrace both dimensions of designing and implementing change – providing the resources and methods to fix things that are broken and the expert guidance needed to implement things that are opportunistically new. And when talent, FP&A expertise, and access to capital are part of the change architecture, Members have direct access to expertise and relationship-based account service delivered by skilled teams.
  • CONNECT: “Making Connections That Count” was one of our founding objectives. Our diverse Membership represents a vast array of non-profits, industries, and businesses of various sizes. The collaborative nature of this community builds productive relationships willing to share actionable insights and proven methods through facilitated peer-group discussions and formal studies offering a world view on what’s important, strategic direction, countermeasures on the barriers, and insights as to how opportunities will be captured.

Our collective know-how combined with the content we deliver and the connections we enable helps CFOs:

  • Advance quicker through the finance knowledge curve to evolve from steward/operator to catalyst/strategist
    • Answer more “what if” questions and far less “what happened” questions
    • Strengthen personal stature and influence
    • Build more productive and trusted relationships – up, down, and around, and on the outside with key stakeholders
  • Unlock greater value of data for actionable business intelligence
    • Improve analysis and understanding of the implications of regulatory, economic, industry, and customer trends with tension
    • Accurately interpret leading indicators of business performance and market dynamics for more accurate long-range planning and preparation for agile pivots
  • Improve finance function performance
    • Build leaner and more efficient finance workflows
    • Streamline data aggregation, transform processes, and increase financial visibility
    • Improve the predictability and measurability of key metrics and expected outcomes
    • Reduce risk and latency between analytics, reporting, decisions, and implementation
    • Drive cross-functional alignment and accountability
    • Reduce costs and improve ROI


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