News Listing

The State of AI in Finance: Insights from The CFO Alliance Roundtable Series Thumbnail

To launch The CFO Alliance Q4 2023 Roundtable Series, CFO Alliance founder Nick Araco and First Water Finance CEO Ben Lehrer hosted Ranga Bodla of Oracle NetSuite for an interactive discussion with CFO Alliance members on the state of AI adoption in the finance function. The virtual roundtable event serves as the kickoff for quarterly events held around the country, spurring the dialogue that ...

What is the Difference Between Machine Learning in Accounting & Finance VS. AI in Accounting & Finance? Thumbnail

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are closely related fields, but they have distinct differences. In accounting and finance: Machine Learning typically involves the use of algorithms that allow systems to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. For accounting and finance, ML can be used for tasks like fraud detection, risk ...

Building a High-performing Finance Team Requires a Better Playbook Thumbnail

A trove of research studies tracking employee sentiment over the last two years indicates that leaders intending to build and retain talented workforces will face challenges of a higher order well into the future. While organizations are seeing many of the traditional employee-employer-manager issues play out, new employee motivation and satisfaction criteria have emerged. And besides more ...


Expert Insight Series: Optimizing Financing Heading Into 2024 In October, The CFO Alliance welcomed Chris Vargo and Bryan Flory of PNC Bank to its monthly member "Expert Insights Series" event. Hosted by CFO Alliance founder Nick Araco and First Water Finance CEO Ben Lehrer, the group engaged in an interactive discussion highlighting current market trends and a look inside the decision-making ...


The CFO Alliance can help CFOs parse out the buzz from the meaningful substance of AI. Following on from the hot topics discussed during the Quarterly Roundtable Series in 2023 to date, AI will be front and center on the Q4 Roundtable agenda. "AI, Outsource, or Status Quo: Navigating ERP Impact - How AI Applications and New Labor Models Impact Various ERP Systems, Finance Functions, and What CFOs ...

Vetted partners

The CFO Alliance has meticulously selected these partners to support you as finance leaders in becoming the value-driven business leaders that you truly are. Our partners exclusively come to us through referrals from our members, ensuring they are regarded as top-tier, providing valuable business advice, and offering our members exclusive pricing options. Our partners are: AchieveNEXT, Eide Bailly ...

CFO Alliance Blog

When the “next new tech thing” arrives, the world tends to bifurcate into two main camps. Each digs a trench and rationalizes their positions – at least initially. • The first-mover, early adopter camp sees an oncoming bullet-train that they must jump on before they get left behind. • The show-me, borderline-cynical camp dismisses shiny objects and plows forward into their version of conventional ...

CFO Alliance Blog

As the CFO role has steadily broadened and become more complex than all other C-suite roles, operating with 1-2 people down in 2023 feels like norm that likely won’t get fixed in 2024. Through the finance function lens, CFOs report that workload is heavy especially as the 2024 budgeting season ratchets up. With access to capital proving to be a higher hurdle than usual, budgets have tightened down ...

CFO Alliance Blog post

From the very start of the Q3 Roundtable Series, The CFO Alliance and strategic partner, First Water, have been advocating Constraint-Based Budgeting (CBB) as a way to build more solid plans in a volatile economy. As the roundtable roadshow continues its cross-country tour with the aptly chosen theme of “Budgeting in a Constrained World”, CFOs and finance executives participating in the events are ...


According to a Deloitte Signals Survey, CEOs on average said they value CFOs more than any other role in the executive suite. That implies that CFOs have inherent powers, and an implicit expectation, to not only run the business on a day-to-day basis but also to lead transformation. Every data point, every investment has to be analyzed and rationalized. Who better than a CFO to protect and lead