Balancing the Demands of Work and Home in 2021 with Colleen Mook, Former Founder and CEO of Baby Be Hip

Colleen MookColleen Mook is an experienced entrepreneur, investor, speaker, podcaster, and small business consultant. Since selling her successful business, Baby Be Hip, in 2019, Colleen has focused her time on helping other entrepreneurs develop their businesses and balance the demands of work and home. In addition to her consultant work, she is also the host of the motivational podcast, Be Bold, Be Brave, Be YOU‪!‬

Colleen has been featured in various television, print, and online media, including The TODAY Show, for her accomplishments in building a successful brand while raising a family. She was also recognized by the Female Entrepreneur Association and named a “Daring Doer†by Tory Johnson, among other awards.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Colleen Mook shares the valuable lessons she learned growing up and how they influenced her entrepreneurial journey
  • How Colleen crafted—and executed—the idea for her successful company, Baby Be Hip
  • Colleen talks about how having children contributed to her business’ growth
  • How Colleen managed to balance her business with motherhood
  • Why Colleen decided to sell Baby Be Hip
  • Colleen discusses her current career path as a consultant, speaker, and podcaster
  • How Colleen pivoted her 30-day self-care challenge from a physical product to a digital program
  • The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women in the workplace
  • Colleen’s tagline: “let’s create the life we can, even when things aren’t easyâ€

In this episode…

If you were a business leader or entrepreneur during 2020, then you have probably experienced the challenge of balancing life and work firsthand. From transitioning to working from home to learning how to homeschool, it has probably been difficult—if not impossible—to make that separation. As you continue to grow your business in 2021, how can you find the right chord between work/life balance?

As the former Founder and CEO of Baby Be Hip and a mother of four, Colleen Mook has been perfecting her work/life balance long before 2020. Although she has faced her fair share of challenges, Colleen has always found ways to stay resilient and overcome any obstacles that come her way. As she says, it’s all about creating boundaries, making time for self-care, and prioritizing communication.

Colleen Mook, a successful entrepreneur, speaker, and podcaster, joins Nick Araco in this episode of Level Up to share her strategies for finding a work/life balance in 2021. Colleen discusses how she grew her business while raising four children, how she pivoted the different aspects of her life and business in 2020, and the importance of creating boundaries as a business leader. This is an insightful episode on how to successfully navigate the demands of work and home so make sure to tune in!

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is sponsored by AchieveNEXT, subscription-based peer advisory networks for emerging and C-Suite leaders from across North America, and includes The CFO Alliance and The CHRO Alliance.

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